Can the worst be avoided with a hug? That's what Michael Armus's story of compassion and presence suggests. Mr. Armus Sr. was at a Bank of the West in California, U.S., depositing a check when 42-year-old Eduardo Placensia passed a note to a teller, claiming he had explosives and demanding money. But Armus recognized the suspect as a former neighbor, and, detecting irritation and depression in the sound of his voice, decided to step in with kindness and empathy. With just a few simple questions, he managed to get the man to confess that he wanted to go to prison because he felt there was nothing for him in the town. Armus ended up by comforting the man and giving him a hug. It turned out Placensia was not armed. Whilst Armus has been hailed a hero, his simple response -- showing compassion and genuine interest -- should be taught in schools and replicated all over the world. "What could have happened to this guy to make him want to go in there and just throw his life away?" Armus told ABC News. There is no limit to what kindness can do!

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