The largest school meals program in Africa is to being in Nairobi this August, in a drive to eliminate the "shame of hunger" in Kenya. Ten new kitchens, now under construction, will provide 400,000 daily lunches for children in 225 primary schools and Early Childhood Development centers in the Kenyan capital. The $8.6 million initiative is a collaboration between Nairobi County and Food4Education, a Kenyan not-for-profit organization that already supplies meals to 250,000 primary schoolchildren in the city. According to Save The Children, 26% of children in Kenya are living with stunted growth due to malnutrition. At the launch of the program, William Ruto, President of Kenya, said, "We must eliminate the shame of hunger in our country. We will be deliberate and focused in ensuring successful implementation of the school feeding program. The greatest indignity is for our children to go to school and fast because of lack of food."