The pay gap between what US women with a full-time job earn compared with their male peers is now the smallest on record. Federal data shows women now make 84 cents for every $1 men earn for similar work, with a median weekly paycheck of $1,001 for female workers compared to $1,185 for men. When the US government first started tracking pay by gender in 1979, the average working woman made 62% of what men in similar jobs earned. Julia Pollak, chief economist at ZipRecruiter, notes that the pandemic has boosted demand in some traditionally female-dominated professions and that nurse practitioners, pharmacists and health services managers have seen a large boost in pay in recent years. She predicts the gap will continue to narrow, noting that it is even smaller for women ages 16 to 24. Government policy, such as increased paid family leave and greater subsidies for child care, can help close the gap even further.

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