The "Buffalo Times," on Dec. 6, 1898, told readers about a diamond heist, double divorce and deadly boating accident in Algiers - and a letter from Santa Claus. That sparked an outflow of letters from children, which the paper began running three days later as "Letters to Santa Claus." As Christmas week approached, the Times had received nearly 4,000, and to help Santa, announced a Christmas party for all who had written to Santa. The 5,000 children got popcorn balls, steam engines, toy kitchens and whistles, all bought by the newspaper. In 1909, Postmaster General Frank Hitchcock announced that all letters to Santa would be sent to the Dead Letter Office but days later, he rescinded that order and announced that all letters to Santa would be sent to charities. This sparked Operation: Santa, the ongoing national effort to enable ordinary citizens to help Santa answer his letters every Christmas.

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