Fasting from foods is only one kind of fast. Many other kinds can create breathing space for a new perspective on our lives. We may find that cleaning the house and preparing a beautiful meal helps to lift us from the mundane moments to open us to a deeper connection. Stepping back from a culture that worships consumerism helps us to see what we are really yearning for in our lives. "I think of my habit of clearing off my desk and filing away old papers when I am starting on a new project. ... I find this too when I rearrange the furniture in a room," writes Christine Valters Paintner. Fasting creates space in our lives for life-giving thoughts to emerge. We each can choose this inner work of discerning what we hold onto and what we release at every season of our lives. We let go of something depleting so we have more space to embrace what is life-giving and to nourish our true hunger.