Rhiannon Menn started Lasagna Love in her kitchen with her then-three year old daughter in March 2020. “I posted on some local moms’ groups saying, ‘Hey, if you need a home-cooked meal—no questions asked, my toddler and I are doing this, it keeps her busy, we love it—send me a message and I’ll drop one off at your doorstep.’” The first week, they made seven meals. Then other moms offered to cook, and Menn connected them with families who requested meals. Today, Lasagna Love has nearly 50,000 volunteers, and more than 400,000 lasagnas have been delivered. “The more acts of kindness that you can connect in the community, the more that ripples outward," she says. "And I think that has the potential to really strengthen communities in a way that we quite honestly could use.”