New research from the Los Angeles (LA) Urban Cooling Collaborative reveals that simple measures like planting trees and using white paint can significantly reduce emergency room visits during heatwaves. This team found that these strategies could cut heat-related ER visits by up to 50%. Cities such as LA, with vast heat-absorbing asphalt and limited trees, experience severe heat due to global warming. Heatwaves in LA lead to an 8% rise in deaths, with back-to-back extreme days linked to a 30% increase. From 2010 to 2019, heatwaves caused approximately 3,900 deaths in California. Using a weather forecasting model, researchers simulated increased tree cover and more reflective surfaces. A modest scenario showed a reduction in ER visits by 8-49 people during heatwaves. The most ambitious scenario could reduce ER visits by 19-85 people, a drop of 12-47%. This research highlights the power of simple, accessible solutions. By planting more trees and using reflective surfaces, we can create cooler, healthier cities and a brighter future for everyone.