In 2015, "Inside Out" told the story of nine-year-old Riley’s move from Minnesota to San Francisco. Her primary emotions are characters -- Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust, as the story largely takes place inside Riley’s head. These emotions work together to help her to find her way in a new city–and achieve a balanced emotional state. In Pixar’s sequel, Riley is 13 and in a new development stage, which brings Anxiety, Ennui, Nostalgia, and Embarrassment. As Riley tries to maintain her relationships with her best friends while trying to impress a new group of friends, "Inside Out2" demonstrates that our interactions, cultural backgrounds, and everyday experiences shape our feelings. However, it missed a vital opportunity to bring to light Love, Grace, and Empathy as it was love from her best friends Bree (of African descent) and Grace (of Asian descent) that freed her from herself and expectations of her environment.