An 87-year-old woman from Lemiers, in the Netherlands, who owned substantial real estate in nearby Vaals has left most of it to her tenants in her will. According to the Telegraaf, Anneliese Houppermans, who earned her money from a successful fruit and vegetable business, owned several houses in the community. She never married or had children, and her ties to her family had faded over the years. “The whole village is buzzing with it,” said Bram Brekelmans, one of the lucky recipients. I hear she may have had up to 16 properties and had no direct family. They are all going to the tenants. It’s mindboggling.” Brekelmans had sold his home to Houppermans after his divorce and then rented it from her, living there with his two children. And now the home is his again, thanks to his landlady’s heartwarming gesture.

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