Two cold regions in the U.S. are getting a massive infusion of funds to swap fossil-fueled furnaces, boilers, and water heaters for heat pumps. The initiatives — one in New England, one in Alaska — are getting a share of $4.3 billion in Climate Pollution Reduction Grants. The states will use the money over five years to boost electric heat pumps. Southeast Alaska will receive $38.6 million to shift more than 6,000 homes from expensive heating oil to heat pumps. Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island will receive $450 million for the New England Heat Pump Accelerator, which is providing incentives to manufacturers and distributors, funding training, developing educational resources, and expanding heat-pump access for multifamily and mobile homes as well as single homes. In Southeast Alaska, the grant is expected to eliminate about 3.3 million gallons of heating oil and cut household heating bills by a quarter to half, and save families nearly a billion dollars over 15 years.