Siblings Rebecca and Josh Caldwell were selling lemonade on their front lawn in mid-August when a young man grabbed their money jar with its $40 and drove away. Their mother, Annetta Caldwell, had gone inside for a few minutes to take a phone call when it happened. She called the Chesapeake Police Department and posted on a social networking site, to let their neighbors know what happened. They also encouraged their kids to host another lemonade stand a week later. Andrew Reyes, who heard about the theft though a friend, posted in his biker group, and on Aug. 24, more than 130 bikers rolled up to the lemonade stand. Over the day, about 650 people showed up, including family, friends, neighbors, strangers, local firefighters, police and city council members. “We’ve never seen anything like that before around here,” said Randy Watson, who lives across the street. “It wasn’t about getting lemonade. It was about restoring those little kids’ hope.”