Teenager Felix Townsin, who lives in Esquimalt, British Columbia, has launched a global kindness movement, 'A million acts of love', inspired by his sister Lexi, who died five years ago from a rare disease. He aims to inspire one million acts of kindness globally by Dec. 16, which would have been Lexi’s 12th birthday. "Even though individually we are each dedicated to different causes, we all want a brighter future, and we can’t get there alone," he says. "We’re not just dreaming of a better world - we’re in the process of creating it, one act of love at a time.” He raises awareness of Blau syndrome, an inflammatory disorder that primarily affects the skin, joints and eyes. At five, he wrote a book, Don’t Floss Your Toes, which has raised over $75,000 for medical research. He has presented at medical conferences across Europe and Australia.

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