Erin Primer, who leads student nutrition for California’s San Luis Coastal District, thinks it’s more effective to reframe food that’s better for the planet as an expansive experience, one with more flavor and more depth, rather than a restrictive one — one without meat. She found that, after learning about and planting ingredients that they then used to make simple meals like veggie burgers, students were excited to try new foods and flavors in the lunchroom. Among California’s 25 largest school districts, more than half of middle and high school menus now have daily vegan options, and elementary districts offering weekly vegan options increased from 16% to 60% over the last five years. The state’s free lunch program allows schools to experiment with new recipes, integrating more culturally diverse options with more plant-based meals. In the last five years, California school districts have added 41 new vegan dishes to their menus.