A sustainable agriculture program initiated by the state of Andhra Pradesh, APCNF seeks to minimize the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, encouraging farmers to adopt locally sourced, environmentally friendly techniques to improve soil health, boost crop yields and enhance farmers’ livelihoods. The initiative emphasizes the use of natural inputs, crop diversification and water conservation to develop a more resilient and eco-friendly farming system. “Soil is the foundation of nutrition” is the motto that underpins the health and nutrition programs at APCNF. Such programs, which can significantly improve physical and mental health, cognitive development, economic opportunities and general well-being, aren’t just about adopting natural farming techniques. The goal is to nudge the consumption behavior of households more broadly, with the hope that the produce that comes from natural farming will lead to improved plate diversity — that is, healthier and more varied diets. And it seems to be working. A research study found that nearly 80 percent of the families in Andhra Pradesh consuming naturally farmed food noticed improvement in their diabetes, hypertension and stomach issues. All targeted households reported that their infants’ health and stamina had improved.