After overindulgence on festive food, going on a diet is one of the most popular new year resolutions. Yet we rarely give a second thought to our media diet. What you consume with your mind is just as important as what your body consumes. The media you absorb affects your thoughts, emotions and ultimately your quality of life. Positive News put together 10 simple strategies for a media diet that fuels your brain, boosts your mood and helps you indulge in meaning and connection this Christmas. Curate a positive news feed: by curating positive, solution-focused content, you not only get a more accurate picture of the world, but you rewire your mind for hope and possibility. Plan your screen time carefully, so you don’t overindulge. Make your media empowering, so it helps you become better, not bitter. Switch off habit-forming features like autoplay, infinite scroll or push notifications. Carry out a social media cleanse, purging out any social media accounts that trigger comparison, stress or negativity. Improve sleep with a digital content curfew. Choose and use apps to support your wellbeing. Let music set the mood this holiday. Avoid information overload and give your brain a break. Make time for connection this holiday season, by stepping away from your devices.

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