In this compelling Forbes article, Irma Becerra, President of Marymount University, makes the case for compassion being a key leadership skill. “Compassion is vital in organizational culture today, and I’ve observed that the ones that prioritize people and kindness at their core are consistently recognized for bringing positive change to the world. Kindness is a correct response to suffering, and it underpins every decision I make,” Becerra says. This leadership approach goes beyond expressing kindness, feeling empathy, and spreading goodwill; compassionate leadership calls for modeling and harnessing positive adaptive responses to complex challenges and ensuring the organization stays the course while also recognizing the moral imperative in alleviating the suffering of others. Becerra describes how during the pandemic, her university “in-sourced” many support positions, such as cleaning, food, and grounds keeping. The change means that these new university employees now have access to full retirement benefits and a free college education. “Compassionate leaders tap into their wisdom and use their collective resources to change minds, reverse unjust policies and raise the consciousness of others,” she said.

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