Some Nevada parents seeking diapers during the pandemic turned to Baby's Bounty, a local nonprofit organization, which distributed as many as 60 emergency diaper packs each week. Now, the organization will use federal funding to create a diaper warehouse. Babies need 8 to 12 diapers daily, but one in three families cannot afford a regular supply. Baby's Bounty clients are referred by social services or organizations geared toward low-income households. Monthly diaper banks in North Las Vegas and Las Vegas each help about 500 families with a week's supply of diapers and wipes, and clients get the necessities for a baby's first six months of life. Baby's Bounty is getting a $202,000 American Rescue Plan grant and $137,000 from Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. At the end of May, it planned to give 1,500 clients a baby bundle that includes four packs of wipes, two packs of diaper rash cream, and 200 diapers.

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