Frankie Mercado, aka "Hiccups The Clown," is a Dodgers’ super fan and nurse who has been a helpful hand in his community for a decade. With the help of volunteers, his "Hiccups Pizza Project" provides unhoused people in Los Angeles’ Skid Row district with pizza, bottled water, muffins, and clothes once a month. "I have been in these streets for so long that true kindness is rare to find," said Pepper, a houseless Skid Row resident, "Hiccups has helped me stay sober all this time." Mercado also assists child cancer patients and their families through the non-profit, "PADRES Contra El Cancer/Parents Against Cancer." Asked why he does it, Mercado answered, "I help those living on hope and those that lost hope." His tagline on social media is: "Stay humble. Focus on your goodness. Allow your goodness to proceed. Share your passion for compassion."

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