Oracle State Park was the fourth certified Dark Sky Park in the state of Arizona, US. The certification is awarded by the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA), which was established in 1988 to protect the night sky from light pollution. It has grown internationally to preserve dark skies and educate the public about the costs of light pollution. But at Oracle State Park these days, visitors come from nearby and faraway places to see the stunning night skies. You can see the Milky Way with the naked eye at Oracle State Park, which is one of the requirements for becoming an International Dark Sky Park. The park is outside of Tucson, Arizona, and the Catalina Mountains shield the park from the city’s light glow. “The biggest thing is having people have that connection. With more communities participating in (the International Dark Sky Places) program, and if we are reducing the scale of these light domes, we’ll bring back nature and that connection people are looking for,” said Ashley Wilson, IDA director of conservation.

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