Local Rwandan women who treat 55% of cases of malaria -- the country's seventh leading cause of death -- are now able to earn a living wage for their work. Since 2017, the Society for Family Health Rwanda and Rwanda Ministry of Health have partnered with SC Johnson and Raid to create the Certified Care program, which now has certified 10,000 women. "These Community Health Workers know what needs to be done to help their communities, as most have been doing this all their lives," said Manasseh Ghana Wandera, Executive Director of Society for Family Health Rwanda. Chantal Mukashema has been able to buy sewing machines, train more than 25 women and open a women's clothing store in her area. For Olive Mukandayisenga, being certified means she is earning a livable wage and can maintain her family's farm. The corporate partnership has also led to the construction of nearly 70 health clinics across Rwanda.

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