As humans are on the cusp of becoming a new kind of creature, thanks to science, we wonder what makes our lives meaningful and what would be too much change. It’s a question that “has to do with the sense that the natural order is a created order, that there’s a benevolent deity behind the formation of the world, and that there is purpose even within the struggles and the suffering, the disorders, diseases, and death of our lives,” says neurobiology professor Dr. William Hurlbut, a project leader on the Stanford project "The Boundaries of Humanity: Humans, Animals, and Machines in the Age of Biotechnology". Our strength is that we humans are an integrated unity, intricately intertwined, not Mr. Potato Heads with swappable traits. “We need to stop and ponder how we are most fundamentally a truly mysterious and majestic creature that has been brought forth in a kind of generous spirit by the Creator of the universe to share and enjoy the blessings of being alive.”