Fleeing from economic and political unrest in Venezuela and other countries, thousands of migrants are finding comfort and safety in community-run shelters across Chicago. Since August of 2022, according to Block Club Chicago, upwards of 10,500 migrants have come to Chicago. City-run shelters and police stations quickly became overburdened and overflowing with adults and children needing places to stay and food to eat. Churches, such as St. Paul's and neighborhood organizations have stepped up to meet the demand, saying they are better positioned to provide immediate assistance. Pastor Beth Brown, at Lincoln Park Presbyterian Church, is another faith leader who is helping asylum seekers. Their church has has converted their rooms into functional spaces for families and are using state funding to hire case workers and program managers. Believing that this model of support could be applied to other churches across Chicago, Brown and her congregation are offering training sessions to other faith leaders who are looking for guidance and direction.