Using carbon neutral and fossil-free E-jet fuel is on the horizon for the aviation sector. According to Forbes, each year the aviation industry consumes 100 billion gallons of fossil fuels and emits 1 billion tons of CO2. In an effort to reduce this massive CO2 footprint, a new energy plant was just launched in Washington State this month. The plant, named Twelve, is on a mission to transform CO2 into E-jet fuel. Twelve's cutting-edge technology involves using an electrolyzer to convert water and electricity into fuel for planes. The plant intends to go to market in 2024 and already has customers lined up, such as Microsoft, Alaska Airlines and Shopify. Airlines companies are keenly interested in the possibility of hitting their net-zero goals by using this modified CO2 fuel as part of their emission reduction plan. It's an exciting time for the aviation sector, as reducing the carbon footprint is beneficial for the industry, their customers and for the environment.

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