It was at the end of a week-long school trip to San Antonio that Emily Dickerson, 17, lost a treasured ring filled with her father's ashes. Her paternal grandmother gave her the cremation ring after her father died in 2013 and she always wore it. But when they went to the beach at the end of the trip, Emily put her four rings in her boxed lunch while she swam. When she realized she'd forgotten them in the rush to reboard the bus, she called her mother, Tina Koch, who left a desperate voice mail with the Corpus Christi Parks and Recreation Department Friday evening. When parks operation supervisor Laura Perez heard it first thing Monday, she set out to find the ring. With two other city workers, she sifted through four tons of trash that had been baking in the nearly 100-degree heat. It was when Perez called Koch with the good news that she learned there actually had been four rings. So she went back, found the other three, and shipped them to Iowa. "There is good out there," Emily said. "I'm going to remember this forever."

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