Oceans, rivers and lakes are full of thousands of plants and algae collectively described as seaweed and demand has exploded as scientists confirm its dietary benefits and potential in the fight against climate change, and there are seaweed farms from Alaska to Massachusetts. "Food processing companies are finding ways to integrate seaweed, kelp in particular, into products that Americans are familiar with,” says Scott Lindell, research specialist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. From food to biofuel, some experts believe this billion-year-old algae is the wave of the future, shown in a new exhibit, "A Singularly Marine & Fabulous Produce: the Cultures of Seaweed", at the New Bedford Whaling Museum. "One of the fun things about having the exhibit up has been engaging in these conversations around contemporary applications for seaweed and its potential for the future," says chief curator Naomi Slipp.