FoodCycle is the UK’s largest community dining organization. It turns produce that supermarkets would otherwise throw out into a free meal for anyone who wants to attend. In 2022, FoodCycle’s pop-up cafes served nearly 500,000 meals saving 209 tons of food from going to waste. It also provides an option to alleviate social isolation. Pensioner Sylvia, for example, takes three buses over an hour and a half journey to get her FoodCycle meal, giving her a reason to leave the house. We know there’s a correlation between people who are facing food poverty, and feeling isolated and disconnected from their communities,” says Sophie Tebbetts, FoodCycle’s head of programs and incoming CEO. FoodCycle plans to expand to 100 weekly community meals in the next year, and is on a drive to boost its 6,000-strong volunteer base of cooks and servers.

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