In August, 2020, Andrew Mortenson began a bike journey that eventually touched four continents. First, he rode east across the width of the US, then south as far as roads can take you into South America and, finally, across the Eurasian landmass. He typically logged 100-plus miles in the saddle per day, propelled by a deep-rooted curiosity to explore. He had a long-held goal to pedal around the world, but that wasn’t the source of his motivation. “It’s still crazy to me to think about. At no point was it me riding around the world – it was ‘Tomorrow I’m going to go wherever, and cross the border into India.’ Only in retrospect does it really dawn on you,” Mortenson said. Mortenson started this adventure after taking a voluntary exit package from United airlines in 2020. He finished the trip in Singapore in 2024, after riding 27,461 miles across 37 different countries (and taking a break to attend graduate school.) Although conflict dominated the headlines as he rode, Mortenson was struck by the kindness of people the world over.

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