The Sikh community and the city of Los Angeles have partnered up to prepare meals for protestors, the disabled, elders and families suffering due to the pandemic. Prior to this partnership, a Sikh temple named the Khalsa Care Foundation Gurdwara had been performing acts of service for 15 years. Since Covid-19 intensified and the racial justice protests began, the Foundation started preparing meals for those in need. After teaming up with the city of Los Angeles and the Department of Disability, members of the temple and volunteers started preparing 3,500 meals a day for a variety of Los Angeles residents in desperate need. The community hopes that this act of authentic kindness will help change the perception of Sikhs, who are a group of people who have faced continuous prejudice and discrimination in the United States. So far, volunteers and community members have helped prepare over 100,000 meals in an incredible testament to the importance of looking out for one another.