Two caring Nevada, US, police officers, Sterling Candland and Carlos Chorens, helped get a 75-year-old woman off the streets and reunited with her family. Rose Brazdovic had retired from Walmart, with plans to travel in her motor home. She ended up losing her motor home and found herself living on the streets, for roughly four years. When Candland and Chorens found her, Brazdovic was frail and they feared she wouldn't survive much longer in the challenging Nevada climate. They contacted Rochelle Fletcher with the city's Community Resource & Resiliency Center; Fletcher's role was to try to find shelter for Brazdovic. It took a few days and meanwhile, Officers Candland and Chorens kept checking in with Brazdovic. Fletcher did find shelter for her, helped her get an ID, and eventually found Brazdovic's son Michael Michrina, who lived in Hammond, Louisiana. Brazdovic and her son had lost touch when he was in his late teens. They were first reunited on a zoom call and Brazdovic eventually moved to Louisiana to be with her son, daughter-in-law and two grandsons. Michrina said this about the officers, "God put them in her life just to take care of her. I guess they reaffirmed that there are still good people out there."

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