A Los Angeles County, US, first-grader has government approval to keep a unicorn as a pet in her backyard. Madeline wrote to officials Nov. 14. “Dear LA County I would like your approval if I can have a unicorn in my backyard if I can find one. Please send me a letter in response.” Two weeks later, her request was granted — with conditions. She must polish the unicorn’s horn monthly with a soft cloth, treat it to watermelon and give it “regular access to sunlight, moonbeams, and rainbows.” The department’s director said this was the first request she had received for a unicorn license in her 21 years at the department. When Madeline visits animal control on her birthday, she will get her letter, the actual license and a red, heart-shaped “Permanent Unicorn License” tag hung around the neck of a stuffed animal unicorn.  The stuffed animal is a placeholder, until she finds her own unicorn.

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