A seven-year-old Ukrainian girl, Oleksandra Paskal, who lost her leg during a Russian missile strike on Odesa Oblast in May 2022 has returned to competition with a prosthetic and won a gold medal. The Russians launched a missile strike at a recreation center in the Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi district, Odesa Oblast, early on May 16, 2022, resulting in the girl ending up under the rubble of the facility. Paskal suffered severe injuries, was in a medically induced coma for 15 days, and after many months of treatment, she underwent rehabilitation in Austria, where she learned to walk again after being given a prosthetic leg. Amazingly, she returned to training in March, 2023, and has since won a gold medal in competition. Fellow Ukrainian gymnast Anna Rizatdinova wrote the following on Instagram about Paskal, "You have all the strength, all the will and all our inner world. It's impossible not to be proud of you. This entry alone, this victory alone is worth all our medals at the Olympics during the years of Independence … Thank you, thank you for inspiring us and teaching all of us to rejoice every day, every victory!"

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