Today, as the pandemic wanes, the number of Black-owned businesses in the US is currently about 30% above pre-pandemic levels; the growth is being driven by Black women entrepreneurs. One neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York, exemplifies the resilience of these Black entrepreneurs. The neighborhood is a hotbed of Black culture and there were many thriving Black-owned businesses; the pandemic threatened to undo that. To counter the uncertainty, the women banded together and committed to supporting each other through the most difficult times, so no one would have to close down. It worked. They formed a What's App chat group and kept in touch daily. One woman who was the president of the local Merchants Association called every store owner and helped them apply for loans and grants. They held sidewalk sales while the shops were closed due to lockdowns. They innovated and found ways to meet emerging customer needs; they all stayed open. Tompkins Avenue was dubbed Black Girl Magic Street after news about their efforts were reported.