Fritz Sam, 54, began his day driving Uber in New York City. At 8 a.m. he picked up a passenger, Jemimah James Wei, 29, who was headed to the airport for a 10 a.m. flight. Five minutes into the ride, they pass a bock with some activity outside. Coming closer, they realized the brownstone building was completely engulfed in flames. Checking with Wei if they could stop to help (to which she replied "Obviously!") they darted towards the building. A crowd had formed outside, shards of glass and flames were shooting out of the building. Sam asked if anyone was inside. No one knew. He gave a stranger his cell phone and darted in without a thought. "Everybody get out! Fire!" he shouted. He guided two separate residents out, even telling one who seemed shocked and reluctant to evacuate, "If you're not going, I'm not going." "It was an act of pure good-heartedness," Wei, who somehow made her flight, said of Sam. Inspired, she quickly posted on Twitter. By the time she landed in Vermont her tweet had gone viral. Humbled by the praise, Sam, said he simply did what he felt he had to do. "Anybody could do this." A father of two, he adds, "If it was my family, and I wasn't able to be there, I would hope that somebody else would go in and help them."

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