With leadership crises all around, we need to think about what we want in a leader. David Gergen speaks of leadership as a journey that starts from within. For a leader, knowing their values and following their true north in a complicated world is essential for developing moral courage and moral leadership. Jacinda Ardern, prime minister of New Zealand, has forged a path based on courage, strength, empathy, and compassion. After the horrific 2019 attack that took the lives of 50 people praying in a mosque, she sent a powerful message around the world about New Zealanders’ shared values. Thrust into activism by the largest school shooting in US history, Parkland school shooting survivor David Hogg became one of his generation’s most compelling voices on gun violence and control. His call to “get over politics and get something done” challenges Americans to stand up, speak out, and work to elect morally just leaders, regardless of party affiliation.