Author Kellie Cummings recounts a recent experience where her 7-month-old puppy went missing. She was able to apply lessons she learned in resilience training to help herself and her family navigate the challenging time and, eventually, find their pup. Pieces of the resilience training that were helpful included staying in the moment, taking in positive emotions, and setting realistic expectations. Staying in the moment enabled her to not spiral into worry and fretting. She realized she was most resourceful when she was calm and could use her downtime, like the dark of night, to research and then rest. Taking in positive emotions like enjoying nature when she was out searching, initially felt like a betrayal while her dog was lost, but also buoyed her spirit. She remembered learning that positive emotions expand attention and help us think more creatively about a challenge and that helped her embrace them. Setting realistic expectations helped her to hang in there when the search took longer than she had initially hoped. All told, the pup was found about 24 hours after going missing. Cummings said, “Resilience education provides tools for making hard choices, ad these hard choices – coupled with action and positive emotions – give people the best possible chance of overcoming adversity.”

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