Hope Street is both a street in Liverpool, UK, and the name of a facility that is pioneering a new approach to rehabilitating women. The new residential program accommodates 24 women and offers an alternative to prison so their children can remain with them; it aims to break the cycle of women reoffending and serving repeated prison sentences. The light and spacious building is for women who would otherwise be imprisoned unnecessarily due to a lack of a safe accommodation or concerns around their wellbeing. The model will be evaluated over the next few years, and if successful, it is hoped the model can be rolled out UK-wide to dramatically reduce the number of women who end up in prison. Edwina Grosvenor is a criminologist, philanthropist, and prison reformer and she played a key role in opening Hope Street. “Women have been retrofitted into prison services built for men. As a philanthropist, it’s not enough to give a bit of money here or there. I have to build a system and I’m convinced this is the way we need to do it,” Grosvenor said.

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