Jacqui Hodder, a careers teacher from Australia, was inspired by a talk about volunteering with turtles and decided to embark on a life-changing adventure in Costa Rica. Despite initial concerns about her age and fitness level, she dedicated herself to preparing physically with the support of her husband and adult children, and the help of a physiotherapist. In Costa Rica, surrounded by the beauty of nature, Hodder found solace and a sense of belonging. She experienced the awe-inspiring sight of turtles emerging from the sea under the moonlight and actively participated in "working the turtle," which involved counting eggs, measuring the turtles, and checking their shells for bites and barnacles. Overcoming her concerns about age differences, Hodder discovered a warm and inclusive community among the other volunteers, who embraced her as part of their team. The experience challenged her and allowed her to prove to herself that she was capable of achieving incredible things. Returning home, Hodder felt a newfound sense of confidence and embraced a healthier lifestyle. She remains vigilant to never revert to her old habits, cherishing the strength she has gained. Excited for future adventures, she looks forward to embracing new experiences and continuing her personal growth.

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