For the students of Westerly High School, Rhode Island, building a bus shelter for a five-year-old will rank as one their most significant and meaningful achievements. Ryder Killam suffers from spina bifida and is wheelchair bound. He and his care-givers had to spend a significant amount of time every day in the cold, wind and rain in the fall and winter, waiting for the school bus. When Dan McKena, construction technology teacher at Westerly High School, heard about this, he set the students of three of his classes working to design and build a shelter hut before the onset of winter. With donations from Home Depot and Ryder’s family, the group was able to build a hut measuring 5×8 ft which could comfortably fit two people. “Ryder uses it every day before school and his nurses wait inside it every day while they await his return home. He does like to go hang out in it from time to time as his fort as well”, says Ryder’s father, Tim. As for the students, they have had the opportunity to learn new skills and to work for a cause close to their heart within their own community.

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