For six years, some Quebec Cree have been cooking and delivering traditional food to some Indigenous inmates at Christmas through a project called Makushaan, which means "feast food". A Cree feast typically includes things like moose, caribou, roasted goose, rabbit and beaver, as well as a traditional boudin, which is Cree dessert bread boiled with raisins, and Cree doughnuts. Kenneth Matoush, who works with the Cree Nation government's Department of Justice and Correctional Services, began the project six years ago. "They are happy, there's a lot of laughter when they eat traditional food because it has been too long since they last ate beaver, moose, goose," said Matoush. "They start to open up and share their stories. They often express how they feel about the food, and say, 'It almost feels like a feast at home.'"

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